
Eating & Drinking

Eating a nutritious diet prepares our brains and our bodies to grow and be their best.

Looking for a snack? 

The Australian Department of Health suggests 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day by including at least one vegetable at each meal times and snacking on a variety of fruit and vegetables accessed 17 August 2017

Looking for a drink?

Some interesting facts

A variety of fruit, veg, dairy and wholegrain cereals could help boost consumption of these foods, which the Australian diet needs. CSIRO 2017 accessed 17 August 2017

The World Health Organisation suggests “establishing standards to foster healthy dietary practices through ensuring the availability of healthy, safe and affordable food in pre-schools and schools…”

World Health Organisation Healthy Diet fact sheet #394 updated sept 2015 accessed 17 August 2017

More information on healthy foods?

Healthy Weight Guide:
Get Up & Grow – healthy eating and physical activity for early childhood
Family foods
Everyday foods compared to sometimes foods.