Curriculum Info

HQ Thrive Links to the Australian Curriculum Standards

Self awareness

Level 3 (typically end of year 4) Level 4 (typically end of year 6)
Develop reflective practice -reflect on personal strengths and achievements Recognise emotions -describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions Recognise personal qualities and achievement -describe personal strengths and challenges and identify skills they wish to develop Recognise personal qualities and achievements -describe the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on their learning outcomes Recognise emotions -explain how the appropriateness of emotional responses influences behaviour: Develop reflective practice -monitor their progress, seeking and responding to feedback from teachers to assist them in consolidating strengths, addressing weaknesses and fulfilling their potential

Self management

Level 3 (typically end of year 4) Level 4 (typically end of year 6)
Become confident resilient and adaptable -persist with tasks when faced with challenges and adapt their approach where first attempts are not successful Express emotions appropriately -identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations Develop self-discipline and set goals -analyse factors that influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Become confident, resilient and adaptable -devise strategies and formulate plans to assist in the completion of challenging tasks and the maintenance of personal safety Express emotions appropriately -explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships

Social Awareness

Level 3 (typically end of year 4) Level 4 (typically end of year 6)
Appreciate diverse perspectives -discuss the value of diverse perspectives and describe a point of view that is different from their own Understand relationships -describe factors that contribute to positive relationships including with people at school and in their community: Understand relationships -identify the difference between positive and negative relationships and ways of managing these:
Social management
Level 3 (typically end of year 4) Level 4 (typically end of year 6)
Communicate effectively skills that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes Negotiate and resolve conflict -identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems   Work collaboratively -describe characteristics of cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities: Work collaboratively -contribute to groups and teams, suggesting improvements in methods used for group investigations and project Negotiate and resolve conflict -identify causes and effects of conflict, and practise different strategies to diffuse or resolve conflict situations Communicate effectively -identify and explain factors that influence effective communication in a variety of situations:

Links to the Australian Curriculum for Year 5 English →

Language Language for interaction -Understand that patterns of language interaction vary across social contexts and types of texts and that they help to signal social roles and relationships (ACELA1501) -Understand how to move beyond making bare assertions and take account of differing perspectives and points of view (ACELA1502)  
Literacy Interacting with others -Use interaction skills, for example paraphrasing, questioning and interpreting non-verbal cues and choose vocabulary and vocal effects appropriate for different audiences and purposes (ACELY1796)
Creating texts -Plan, rehearse and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print multi-model texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704)